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greasy woolの例文


  • The wool clip for 1914 was 316 bales of greasy wool and 16 bales of scoured wool.
  • The preparation of greasy wool demands several steps, and early procedures have been modified over the years.
  • Clean wool was abandoned in favour of greasy wool with the cessation of sheep washing in 1870s.
  • "' 1960 "': Sydney Futures Exchange began trading as Sydney Greasy Wool Futures Exchange ( SGWFE ).
  • SGWFE offered a single contract of greasy wool that by the end of the year had traded 19, 042 lots.
  • A new record price for greasy wool of 128d was reached in May 1950 for 5 bales of AAA combings from Banjawarn by French buyers Kreglinger and Ferneau.
  • Blue Light managing director Tony Duca said his company would export Australian greasy wool to the Dalian plant, which is expected to be operational by the end of this year.
  • In 1953 about 50, 000 sheep were shorn . 720 bales of greasy wool from the station sold at 64d . per pound at the London wool sales later the same year.